Aug 09, 2010 13:32
I grew up with a grandmother who was part babysitter, part environmentalist. When the neighbors picked their peaches we ended up with at least a bushel of them for just canning. Big super aroma things I learned from my grandmother was how to blanch, peel and can peaches...simple syrup to can them in.
It was an accomplishment to do those quart jars of peaches while my sister and brother were out running around in the heat I was indoors with Gramma learning how to preserve peaches that yielded a quart just for me every birthday that Gramma was alive.
Turn to today...I have this overwhelming urge to eat peaches I must have gone through at least a half bushel now all by myself..and at 89 cents a pound...I will refill until my peach urge is gone.
Oh and there is corn but don't get me started on that!!!!!