I am a genius certifiable SUPER genius

Apr 27, 2010 15:03

Remember those 'aha' moments you have you in your wanderings on the planet?...The ones that you stand rocking back and forth and all of a sudden the universe opens up and you can see clearly for miles...I mean MILES!

Everything you think of is now clear as a bell...and you stand there jaw agape with a certain knowledge that you damn well hadn't forget what the gods told you.....bad things might happen.

I am so so going to have so much fun with this!!!!

When one asks for something and it is within the power of being able to answering that request without too much bother....one relies on the kinetic force of karma to suspend disbelief and hit you with a lightning bolt of clarity and foresight.


And my coworker who sits beside me says i think outside the box....I am impressed.
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