Apr 13, 2007 22:50
The plans for my graduation/birthday party are underway. we've found a place to have it. Originally B wanted to have the party on the same day as the grad ceremony. But I thought it might be a problem for a lot of people, since the ceremony falls on Sunday, May 13, Mother's Day. The day before would be no good for me because the club is having their funday; I don't think I could handle two parties in one day. So we settled on May 5, the Saturday before, which also happens to be my birthday. I sent out informal invitations by email to some, to see how many can come. I was planning on asking the club members tomorrow at our monthly meeting, but I forgot to make a van; I've gotten so used to B driving me. He's going to some conference all weekend. I guess I could take the bus. but it's such a hassel. My fear is that I have to cross the street to catch the connecting bus, and there really isn't a safe place to cross. I could ask someone to help me cross--there is always someone around in China Town. But then the meeting place is still about a mile away from the nearest bus sttop on the connecting buses route. So I really don't feel like getting up early on a weekend and walking all that way.
Well, I just got off the phone with David and asked him to make my excuses for not attending. I also asked him to pass the party invitations to the club members and the volunteers. Bought my cap and gown at the campus bookstore today for $28 and paid $15 for my graduation papers at the cashiers. Not much else to report.
Oh, guess I do have to mention that B started Weight Watchers about a month or so ago. Somehow his waste grew to a 36 maybe 38 over the past couple of years. He kept complaining about how fat his face and the rest of him looked in recent pictures. Of course I was growing right along with him, but I can't seem to get the weight off. He has lost over 20 lbs just by changing his eating habits. can't complain; I refuse to eat fat free foods or drink anything diet. Now he's getting into muscle building to tone. I'm indirectly being forced to eat healthy. Awe well, it'll probably do me good.