(no subject)

Oct 13, 2006 12:12

Name Four Bad Habits You Have:
1. Procrastination
2. Biting my nails
3. Driving around randomly when I know I can't
4. Forgetting things easily

Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
1. A New Car
2. $10,000
3. A better body?
4. A new lung x___x

Name Four Scents You Love:
1. Vanilla and Cinnimon
2. My chibi <3
3. Gasoline
4. Sitting on the shore of a lake on a warm sunny day smelling the fresh air

Name Four People That Know You the Best:
1. Chibi
2. Chhary
3. Gina
4. Kyle xD

Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
1. Pink
2. Old people clothes
3. Mini Skirts
4. Short shirts o_O;

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. My tummy hurting
2. Dan <3
3. Snow up in Connecticut
4. Dancing xD

Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
1. Cleaned
2. Checked e-mail
3. Danced (still dancing)
4. Had a talk with Mum

Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
1. Hair dye
2. Gas for car
3. A smexy shirt <3
4. A koi fish who died... R.I.P Jaques! <33

Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. Milk
2. Soda
3. Coffee
4. Monster energy drink

Name Four Records You Like:
1. ....
2. ....
3. ....
4. ....

Name Four Movies You Can See Over And Over:
1. Fight Club
2. Narnia
3. 13th Warrior
4. Hannibal

Name Four Songs You Like:
1. Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake
2. London Bridge (Oh Shit) by Fergie
3. Raindrops Remix by Raindrops <3
4. Pon Da Replay by Rihanna

Last Words You Said:
"Have a good day!"

Last Song You Sang?
Disposable Parts by Enon

Last Time You Said I Love You And Meant It?
Last night <3

Last Time You Cried?
*thinks* September 24?

Last CD You Bought?
Oy....No clue

Last person u hugged?
My doggeh XD!!

What's In Your CD Player?
Nuthin....no CD player x3

What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
My feets are NAKIE!!!

What's Under Your Bed?
Lots of crap haha

What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
6:15 and then just laid there

Current Taste?
My tongue ring

Current Hair?
Down and hanging in my face heh

Current Clothes?
Black and white, Bone and paw print PJ bottoms with a white bra and black thin strapped shirt

Current Annoyance?
My cough

Current Worry?
My car insurance

Current Hate?

Favorite thing about the opposite sex?
Penis.....hands, hips and belly button <3

Current longing?
To be with my chibi ;__; at least to just hear his voice

Current desktop picture?
A black dragon laying on a rock

Favorite Place To Be?
In the arms of my love cuddling with him <33

Favorite Color?
Black and white

Do You Believe In Afterlife?

How Tall Are You?
5'6" ?

Favorite Season?
Fanter....(fall turning into winter)

Where Would You Like To Go?
Somewhere with a lake...where it snows, large fields, forests, and decent sized house, fresh air where you can sit outside at night wrapped in a light blanket with the one you love and just cuddle under the stars <33 (in other words...my old house in Connecticut ^_^ )

Name: Virginia Lynn Cicio....But you may call me Bobb ^_^

birthday: August 25th, 1987....but today is my Happy UNBirthday xD

sign: Virgo....the virgin XD!!!!(yeah right haha!!!)

age: 19....will be 20 next year ;__;

sex: FE to the mutha fuckin' MALE ...BIOTCHES!!!

location: Hell

school: Brooks Institute of Photography

glasses/contacts: Glasses <3

braces: Noes...but I like them and people who have them

fat/skinny: Medium?

tall/short: Short ^o^!!

do you like boys or girls: Both x3

do you have any siblings: Yesh...

what are their names: Aaron

how old are they: 24

do you have any pets: Yesh

what are their names: Gooberball, Sucker, Cricket, Digger and Puniea Gig

what kind of pets are they: 2 cats, 2 dogs, and a Puniea Gig o_O

do you like school: Not really

if you could choose anyone to rule the world who would you choose: Chibi XD

do you talk to voices in your head: Yeah...and they talk back <33

do they tell you to do stuff: Yup ^_^

do you listen: Most of the time.....yeah xD

have you ever had wet dreams about someone: *coughs* Heh....yeah ^_^;

how often do you talk on the phone: Not often

how often do you surf the web: Often?

how often do you hang out with friends: When I feel like it?

do you have a bf/gf: Yup ^_^

do you love them: More then anything ever in my life <3

have you ever loved anyone: Not really....once at least I thought I did...but now I am completely in love!

have you ever made-out with someone: Yeah....lots...x__X

are you loopy: HECK YEAH!!! =3

have you ever broken any bones: Nope *knocks on wood*

if so, which ones: o_O

how often do you shower: At least twice a day

which group do you hang out with at school: Um....whichever I like?

do you get good grades: Not really....

do you always get in trouble: Sometimes xD

do you get along with your parents: NOPE!

are you gonna go to college: Already am...

who is your best girl friend: Morgan

who is your best boy friend: Taro xD

who do you talk to the most on the phone: No one o_O

do you like email or snail mail better: E-mail...sometimes snail mail cause it means someone took
the time to write it

do you like gold or silver jewelry: Silver

have you ever prank called a 1-800 number: I think so

have you ever tried to impress your crush and ended up embarrassing yourself: Yeah XD! First time we ment I tried skipping away and tripped haha

what are you most afraid of: Mickey Mouse

are you weird: Yeah haha

how long does it take you to get ready for school: Um.....15 minutes?

do you have a crush: <3 More then that

what is there name: Dan ^_^

do you sleep with one pillow or two: 6 o__o

do you like coffee: <3333

if not, howz come: o_O Notice the hearts?

what is the longest you have went out with someone: Two miserable years of abuse

do regret it: Yeah...but it made me stronger

how do you know the person who sent this to you: Shes like one of my best friends since I was 10

where do you want to live?: Somewhere up north

where is the most fun place to go?: Where it snows to go snowboarding xD

where do you want to meet your husband/wife?: *shrugs*

do you want to go heaven or hell?: I wanna go to Limbo xD

do you want to get married? Yeah

Do you like to do? Stuff...play Hockey...

was the most fun retreat/trip you ever went on? Out to California <3

friend is always there? *shrugs*

relative sends you the most money for Christmas? None?

do you like about your church or school clique? Nothing....

do you want to be when you grow up? whatever I can be

do you want your husband's/wife's name to be? *clings to Chibi and licks* One can always hope for someday ^_^;

is your favorite piece of clothing? *huggles clothes the are on*

have you, in the last 24 hrs...
Cried? Noes

gotten in major trouble? Not really...

cut your hair? Nope

ate a meal? Kind of

hugged someone? Not in person

kissed someone? Not in person

made a new friend? Yeah <3

lost something? I think so....maybe?

have you ever...
Been so drunk you passed out? Nope ^_^

gone out in public in your pajamas? Yeah I do it alot haha

had an imaginary friend? Heck yesh!! Missy ROCKED!!

cried during a chick flick? Nope o_O

owned a new kids on the block cd? Yeah xD

gotten in a car accident? A few...

liked someone so much you cried? Yeah Dx

cussed when your parents were around? Yup

told your sister/brother he/she was a bitch? Yeah

made faces in the mirror? All the time haha

spent more than one hour on your hair? When I play around yeah haha

sleep walked/talked in your sleep? Yeah heh

watched a scary movie and couldn’t sleep all night? The Omen

gone caroling? I love doing that when it's snowing

what is the funniest movie you ever saw? Texas Chainsaw Massacure:The Beginning xD!!!

what is the stupidest movie? Employee of the Month -__-

which movie could you watch repeatedly? Fight Club

what was the last movie you saw? Narnia

who do you go to the movies with? Anyone willing to go

what movie made you cry the most? Evita

did you like titanic? Not really...sorta

if you were stranded on an island…
who would you take? Dan hehe

who would you take if you only had two people you could bring? Gina and Dan

what three things would you bring? A digital camera so people could see when they found it, a butcher knife to hunt for food and a water purifier

what island would you want to be stranded on? Bermuda Triangle

what animal would you kill for food? Anything I needed to so I could survive...except for human x__X

would you write on the sand? Sure haha

would you panic or relax? Relax...depending on where I was stranded

would you ever...
Jump out of a plane? Yeah

kiss your best guy/girl friend? Sure o_O?

go bunjy jumping? YESH!

stay in your room for a whole day? Do that alot

go in the snow without clothes? HAHAH!!! I've done it ^_^

drink salt water? It tastes bad....

touch road kill? Poke it with a stick XD

take a job even if it meant you’d be away from your guy? Noes ;__;

smile at your worst enemy? I do all the time ^_^

play 8,000 bowling games in one night? I luff bowling!!!

go to Reno to get married? Yeah!

gamble? Sure...but rarely

bring shorts to Minnesota? Yeah?

have a make-out party? Sure!! As long as I get to have my chibi there to be with <3

throw a party without your parents? Yup

go to a foreign country? Yeah o_O

fly a plane? Hahaha! If I knew how then I would heh

If you died tomorrow, who would you leave everything you own to? Dan? Well...the things he would want that is o_O then anyone else could have what he wouldn't want XD!!!!

if you had to go live in Borneo for the rest of your life and you could take one person on this
earth, who would it be? My chibi! I would miss him too much if I didn't T__T

who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the

slightest bit annoyed with? The love of my life! <3

if you woke up one morning and noticed that your leg was missing who would be the first person you would call? The Hospital!!!!

let's say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next
week but you can pick the person but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life no getting out of it, who would you pick? Dan...duh!

what if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else completely, who would you be? ;___;!!! I wouldn't like that very much!

What would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex? Be very confuzed, grin then lock my bedroom door and masturbate XD!!!!!

if all of a sudden you had the ability to do one thing better than everyone else, have one amazing talent, what would it be? I....truely don't know o__o

if you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change(personality and looks)? I like who I am thanks...but if I HAD to choose...I would say my tummy area

what is your dream career? Photographer

what is the one thing you just have to do before you die? *snuggles my chibi then blinks* Marry the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with <3

if you could be a member of any band that has ever existed, what band would that be? None...

what is the thing you care about most in your life? My love...

which one......
Winter or summer? Fanter

the beach or the mountains? Both

pop or punk? Punk

rock or rap? Rock

new York or l.A.? New York

milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Dark

dogs or cats? Both

Britney or Christina? Neither

leno or letterman? Um..o_O

mtv or vh1? Neither

country or classical? Classical

day or night? Night

lake or ocean? Lake

waffles or pancakes? Pancakes hehe

soccer or football? Football

baseball or swimming? Baseball

chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla

sugar or spice? Sugar

grisham or canyon vista? Grisham?

--eminem-please stand up or please shut up? Shut up........

If you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be? None?

if you could design your perfect mate, what would he/she look like and be like? *snuggles Dan and sighs happily* I found him already thank you very much ^_^

if you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars? Buy a new car, pay off me Mums bills, get me Da a decent home get myself a home and invest the rest into stocks and bonds and stuff

what is the single most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? Um....I won't say haha

Fallen in front of someone you thought to be quite good looking? Yeah xD...then again I fall in front of everyone alot so either way..I still fall haha

run into a wall? All the time sadly haha

sleep walked? Not that I know of

gone skinny-dipping? Yup ^_^

kissed someone of the same sex? Yesh

snuck out of the house at night? Yup

gotten in a car wreck where you are the driver? Oh yeah

laughed so hard that what you were drinking spewed out your nose? Nope

started laughing really hard so you just spit out what you had in your mouth cause you couldn't
swallow? Noes

swallow a bug? Yesh

have you ever actually kept a new year's resolution? Noes haha

if so what was it? None

~*~*would you ever*~*~
eat bugs purposely? I ate worms before

commit a crime? Sorta...a pyro-crime xD

change your religion? I have....

lie to your parents? All the time

jump over a waterfall? Sure

change clothes in front of an open window? Yeah I do...

dress up as the opposite sex for an important event? Sure o_O

sing a harmonized duet in front of 500 strangers? I have o__o

tell someone that you liked them if they were much older than you? I did that lots.....

~*~*have you ever*~*~
lied to your parents about something really important? Yup

have your life threatened? Yeah -___-

stumbled across fbi secrets online? No haha

stayed up until the morning light talking online? Yeah

made people give you really weird glances? Yesh...all the time

read a Shakespeare play? Drama for 4 yrs...what do you think?

talked in your sleep? I do that lots too

what did you say? You don't wanna know xD

sung at a karaoke bar? Yup

who do u have a crush on: *gnaws on chibis arm* ^.^

who do u like: My Chibi ^_^

have you ever gone out with them: Um...Duh! Yeah, I am haha

have you ever kissed them: He says I stole his first kiss ;___;

do you wanna kiss them: Right now? I wish I could T_T

what is the farthest you have gone with a guy/girl:? Sex and then some xD

are you a virgin: NOOOOOOOOOO!
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