Wednesday, April 22
She's three! (Check out the plethora of gorgeous pictures here) The official Most Adorable Girl In The Entire World turned 3 today. That seems a little surreal. I've never blogged about it before, but now that it's more or less out in the open... Three years ago, I gave birth to an adorable, precious little thing, who positively graced the hospital with her presence. Two years, 11 months, and 27 days ago, I placed her in the arms of her super-cool parents. Two years ago, I was still cringing on the 22nd of nearly every month, and crying myself to sleep once in a while for missing her. This morning, I've been writing and looking at the date for 7 hours (I worked last night), and only just realized it was her birthday when I looked at my google reader. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Part of me feels guilty, like just because I love her so much I should still be marking this day and realizing the days leading up to it and remember it the moment midnight passes. Mostly, though, I think it's a good thing. I love my little girl who's not my little girl any more, but it's her parents' job to make her birthday special. Her place in my heart has never changed, but the bittersweet day has melted into the realm of my spotty memory of things I "need to remember."
I love you Belle!
(As a side note, I do know I've talked about Belle plenty on LJ, but I've never outright said anything about it on Blogger. My grandma-in-law reads that blog, and that side of the family was only just barely told about the whole thing.)