Oct 08, 2008 21:45
Hey y'all.
I am graduating in December. (Yeeeeeehaw!)
My friend Kim, who has been my friend pretty much since birth, is also graduating from GVSU. My mom wanted to get our families together for dinner after gruduation, which is an excellent idea. So we'll probably go out to Olive Garden or somewhere yummy.
But my mom also wanted our family to also come along (my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin, and my cousins whom I live with and their 3 kids), and wanted to pay for their meals, but once I told her Kim and I wanted to go to the Olive Garden, she asked if we could choose somewhere else. Kim and I talked and decided it'd be best if just our families got together, and then my family can get together with aunt, uncle, and cousins seperately. I think that's only appropriate and fair.
I suggested eating dinner here with our family - maybe making dinner and then having the evening to visit with each other, etc. But my parents talked tonight and my mom thought it'd be a good idea if they bought pizzas and we had that for dinner with my family. Call me picky, but I'd really rather not do pizza. I'd be down for making dinner, but my parents seem set on wanting to treat our family because of all they've done for me (and well, they love them too). But pizzas just doesnt seem like the best idea to me.
Do you have any ideas on relatively inexpensive takeout options, or perhaps dining out options, that would be a good idea to treat our relatives to? (My mom wanted to go to a Chinese buffet, but I let her know that is not an option for me. I still have not touched Chinese food since I quit Great Lakes last November!)
Don't ask why my parents want to plan this out 2 months in advance...it sure beats me. But I sure do love them.
Also, I talked to Russ (JJ boss) this evening and he seemed okay with me taking the next two weekends off (next weekend, His House Fall retreat at Lake Ann; the next weekend, Chicago!). Also, I told him my last weekend of working there will be November 15th, which I figured was a good idea because I'll be going home the weekend of Thanksgiving, and then exams/end of the semester stuff always goes by so quickly that I know I could use the extra time. He seemed okay with that, too, but asked me if I was sticking around after I graduate...and I said no. He told me to let him know if I change my mind. Maybe they really WILL miss me! To be honest, I am really really sad that I'll be leaving that place. I know it hasn't always made me the happiest person, but it has been my favorite food service job (I've had 4), and I really do (for the most part) love the people there. Sighhh.
Apple Orchard this weekend with friends! Then the GVSU game afterwards?