Lastnight, I talked to Steph (Puff) on the phone for a while after work, and it was so nice. I can't believe how I've lost touch with her and (Ni)Cole. I love those girls so much, as different as we've become. Cole just added me on MySpace yesterday (hah).
Steph is coming down here for school next year. It will be so nice to have Kim and Steph both here - girls that I definitely don't see enough of. It's also going to be strange, and I'm sure I'll go through AJ's complex of having a 2nd Gladstone down here. heh. But I can't wait.
She let me in on some Gladstone gossip about people from our class that isn't shocking, but sort of affirming prior indications. I don't think it's my business to announce these things to the whole world on LiveJournal, but if you'd like to know, just ask me next time we talk.
Erin O'Donnell has a baby now, and Steph says she's so motherly it's crazy. It's cool how people change in these situations.
After getting off the phone with Steph, I met Ben, Pat, Brian, and Katie over at 2K whilst eating a Reese's Klondike Bar (yes, they exist, and AJ knows the glory of it all). Ben, Pat, and I went into the Ravines, flashlights in hand, entering through the Arboretum. I was so scared!!! We went down a steep hill, crossed some streams, then came across a pack of deer that were protecting fawns so we thought it best to quit that trail. (ever since I saw the previews for Brokeback Mountain, I've been trying to incorporate "quit" into my vocab once in a while.) We unanimously agreed on Steak 'N Shake, and picked up Matt and Kim (new friends!) along the way. By this time I was so dead tired from being up since 5:30 after getting like 4.5 hours of sleep, that EVERYthing was funny. You know what I mean.
So, we were drinking shakes (mine was chocolate mint, btw) and I called Ben stupid. Then Matt commented something about how he has the smartest major between all of us, which wasn't that funny, and I don't think I was laughing at him but at my calling Ben stupid, and I spit milkshake all over the table, and it ran down my chin to my embarassment. Whoops. Later on, Matt spit water on our check whilst laughing at Ben.
Needless to say, it was a great night.
I am running off of about 4.5 hours of sleep again today (but just took a refreshing 20 minute nap!) and am about to crank out the best rough draft of a paper on Hawthorne's Ethan Brand as I can for Ihrman's class. My 10-pager that was due yesterday turned out to be a somewhat successful 7.
I am not ashamed.
Relay for Life tonight! There's no way I can stay up all night.
This weekend, if you're going to ask me to do anything fun, give me advance warning so it can be my reward after getting something school-related done. Okbye!
P.S. I resurrected the Spring icon from last year because dangit it's SPRING!!!
Wrath:Very Low
Sloth:Very High
Lust:Very Low
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