Oh KH fandom, how I hate you. Remmeber this rant from when Days came out and Axel's real name was revealed? Seems like soon I'll be typing a sequel to that
Imiona takie średnie, ale jak się jest genialnym i najpierw układa czteroliterowe imiona z czego X jest dodatkiem to nie pozostaje zbyt wiele pola do popisu. Brawo dla twórców XD
Design: szczerze? Liczyłam na to, że SB Axela będzie... laską. Tak poza tym to trochę nuda, ale generalnie mogło być gorzej. Beltan Zipper czai się za rogiem :D
Imho i tak wybrali najlepiej brzmiące kombinacje z możliwych, mogło być gorzej XD
Zastanawiałam się nad tym, ale to by raczej nie przeszło, więc ciesze sie, z tego co jest (i że oni w ogóle są w tej grze, bo ich wątek made Days for me)
That's a good rant. xD; Not gonna lie, though, I love imagining them genderbent/previously as women/etc. (I saw one comic on tegaki where Lea was a girl who became male after being turned into a Nobody and I liked it haha~) But I would also never take that amusement seriously. Come on guys. xD; Wtf.
So they aren't how we'd all imagined, big deal! Nomura is not our bitch, guys, come on. He didn't ruin anything. They're his characters, and what happens in the games is canon. None of this "OMG HE RUINED DEMYX'S PERSONALITY," or "WHAAAAT SAIX ISN'T XEMNAS' SEXSLAVE/LAPDOG?!?!?" etc. is true because that was shit you all made up in your fluffy little heads. Sorry, but what's canon is canon and if you hate it that much, gtfo, don't play the games and live in your own little headcanon worlds
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I say all kind of things regarding fandom, complete with "what nail polish does Saix use?" but it's not like I take this seriously and expect it to happen in the actual canon
Yeah, this. I hate the fact that KH fandom is so used to their headcanon that they refuse to accept the actual canon. Like the Axel/Demyx/Roxas trio that got OMGRUINED, but it never existed outside the minds of fangirls, to start with XD; I love the fact that Nomura proved it nonexistent
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The only problem is really when it's taken seriously. Really, I'm all for stuff like that! Nail polish on guys is hot! I love genderswap! I adore AUs! I love lots of things that will not make sense in canon terms! But I never think of anything as "canon" until it's confirmed. I don't even get where that friendship trio came from! o_o;; How could it have been ruined when like... it never existed, not in any form of KH, like, heck, not even in the half-crack that is the manga. Demyx doesn't even care about anything aside from his sitar and music. Fffff
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Comments 6
Imiona takie średnie, ale jak się jest genialnym i najpierw układa czteroliterowe imiona z czego X jest dodatkiem to nie pozostaje zbyt wiele pola do popisu. Brawo dla twórców XD
Design: szczerze? Liczyłam na to, że SB Axela będzie... laską. Tak poza tym to trochę nuda, ale generalnie mogło być gorzej. Beltan Zipper czai się za rogiem :D
Imho i tak wybrali najlepiej brzmiące kombinacje z możliwych, mogło być gorzej XD
Zastanawiałam się nad tym, ale to by raczej nie przeszło, więc ciesze sie, z tego co jest (i że oni w ogóle są w tej grze, bo ich wątek made Days for me)
Ciężko ułożyć ciekaweimię dla chłopca z trzech imion.
Trochę szkoda, bo to byłoby fajne- ach takie arty *,* normalnie prawie jak gendbend <3.
Fakt, to że oni w ogóle SĄ to duży ukłon dla fanów, ale nigdy im się nie dogodzi.
So they aren't how we'd all imagined, big deal! Nomura is not our bitch, guys, come on. He didn't ruin anything. They're his characters, and what happens in the games is canon. None of this "OMG HE RUINED DEMYX'S PERSONALITY," or "WHAAAAT SAIX ISN'T XEMNAS' SEXSLAVE/LAPDOG?!?!?" etc. is true because that was shit you all made up in your fluffy little heads. Sorry, but what's canon is canon and if you hate it that much, gtfo, don't play the games and live in your own little headcanon worlds ( ... )
Yeah, this. I hate the fact that KH fandom is so used to their headcanon that they refuse to accept the actual canon. Like the Axel/Demyx/Roxas trio that got OMGRUINED, but it never existed outside the minds of fangirls, to start with XD; I love the fact that Nomura proved it nonexistent ( ... )
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