Oh hello, Kingdom Hearts fandom, it's been a while, long time no rant? Well, I expected stupidity to explode all over the place when Days is out in English, but I still feel like ranting a little since some of the stuff is getting on my nerves
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I swear, all the stereotypes about Org make me want to slap a bitch, especially when people moan about their fanon not becoming canon in Days. The only fanon thing that turned out canon was the Xigbar and Demyx interaction, but I hate that pairing anyway... don't even get me started on Zexion/Demyx. I've actually tried to understand the reasoning behind this pairing and even asked the shippers, but I gave up after so many "I ship it because it's hot" OTL
I guess their comics wouldn't bother me so much (I don't have to read them after all) if not the fact that so many people believe it's the new canon, which made me develop a strong hatred :/
I was actually positively surprised after Japanese Days was out, because the Xion hate back then wasn't nearly as big as I'd suspected, but I guess that it was just because most of the haters waited for Englishj version... She may have Sueish traits, but she'd be loved all over the place if she was a guy... which she technically could be, given that she is Sora's Replica. Oh well.
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