Walesa Airport has been having problems with fog for three days, let's hope there wouldn't be any problems with our flight on Friday... Going to Hamburg again, to spend my birthday money XD;
Speaking of money, I got a scholarship from the mayor for good results in middle school :D I attended the scholarship giving ceremony today, so many people I knew were there, including my old classmate Ola, I went to her place right after the thing was over and stayed a little too long XD; But hey, we haven't seen each other for some time and I crave contact with old KSN people, I even went to KSN today, because I had extra time and needed to talk to Dolewicz's sister~ Managed to do it ninja way and be spotted by everyone but the headmistress <3 Everyone there does O_O when they see me and I can laugh at them going to Catholic school and wearing ugly uniforms XD All the teachers i talked to asked how their subjects are carried out in GLA, huh...
There's someone in my school that keeps writing hiragana on the blackboard in class 401. (I've been asked several times what is written thera and if it's cursing, no, it's just あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそ and so on) I'm more concerned about who is the mysterious Japanese learner, I know it's a second year, but I don't know them, so I asked Filip to investigate this matter for me~
EDIT: Vampire hatchlings~~