Sound Horizon

May 25, 2009 04:45

Sound Horizon

Musical Style:
Their music is generally in omnibus style; an album contains multiple stories with different themes that create one long story. Soprano or mezzo-soprano vocals are mainly utilized. Usage of narration is not restrained. Strong anime influences and applications are apparent in their music; they have started inviting seiyū for narration since their major debut. Their lyrics are very often mysterious and metaphorical, even more so than those of other J-rock musicians, with themes varying from fantastic ones like ancient curse, legend, dreams, war, and paradise to forbidden lust, longing, obsession, crime, relationships, etc. (from Wiki)

Mediafire Sharing Folder

I'm sharing some of the files I uploaded for Evil Empire here.
It crashed for quite a long period now, and I figured that rather than letting those files rot, I should share them.^^
Truthfully, I don't like Sound Horizon, but someone in the forums asked for an upload.( ̄∇ ̄)


share: music box, downloads

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