Antique Bakery

Aug 09, 2008 23:08

Ah yes... I know this series has been scanlated for quite a long time now. ^^"
..But, I've just discovered this (poor me) and found out that Volume 4 is no longer found anywhere. T^T

I wonder if anyone can point me to the right direction for downloads...
right now I'm resorting to editing the raws myself and I'm not really up to that.
(everyone knows how painful it is to edit raws...buuu~)

Anyway, for the people who read this, thank you for your time.

Here's a link to share: Volume 4 Chapter 15
(yah, I'm aware that it says "only for evil empire", but it's not uploaded there yet as I haven't finished editing the last chapter.)

Banner (c)
Characters (c) Yoshinaga Fumi


share: manga, genre: yaoi/shounen-ai

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