I might enjoy the kitchen a little too much

Feb 10, 2010 22:57

Kent and I made use of his day off today and decided to spend the money burning a hole in my checking account get our completion bonus from leftover items on the wedding registry. After an hour or so and a latte for each of us we now have even more stuff in the living room that needs to be put away. In retrospect, waiting until we were completely unpacked might have been a better mood. Then again, I have a snazzy new printer now so clutter be damned.

My valiant printer who served me for over five years, enduring trips between Texas and Oklahoma, a summer or two in storage, many scanning and photo sessions, and even printing my wedding stationary finally decided she had had enough after we got back to Galveston. She just... stopped talking to my computer and no amount of troubleshooting, updates, or reinstalling drivers would coax her back to service. She stopped scanning years ago, but her printing and copying were still great so we made due.

Part of me feels a little guilty at the sight of this sleek new pretty sitting in front of me. Like I ditched my faithful partner for the newer, sexier model. Then again, she's the one that refused to help in making things work.

Other highlights include a couch cover. You heard me. We have two dogs, both of which would look at us as if we'd lost our minds were we ever to insist that puppies belong on the floor. Having something easily washable will be a lovely thing. It will also mean that I'll no longer have a green couch located a few feet from my red kitchen. (The kitchen was painted before we moved in.) I enjoy Christmas, but I don't need my apartment to look like an after-holiday reject.

I also have this baby coming in the mail.

Oh fuck me I'm excited. I just want to touch it.

In more practical matters, I have an actual step stool now so I can stop using Kent's tackle box when I need to adjust the ceiling fan in the living room or get into the back of our cupboards. (Which are insanely deep and rather high.) In less practical matters, a minor scuffle in the book section ended in me coming away with a copy of Hello, Cupcake!. What makes this story amusing is the sides of the argument that Kent and I each took. Kent informed me that I was "getting the damn book" since apparently it's something I've been lusting over for at least a year now. I will neither confirm nor deny his allegations. I will, however, endeavor to make cupcakes far cuter than baked goods have any right to be.

In other kitchen news, my next big project will be bread from scratch. Kent and I both had Borders giftcards and I treated myself to a copy of Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day. The basic premise is no-knead yeast dough (yes, you read that right) which can live in your fridge for a week or two depending on the exact recipe. So after some initial mixing all you do is let the dough rise for about two hours and then throw in in the fridge. When you're ready to bake something, you grab a hunk of dough, shape it, and then walk away to let it rest for awhile. After the rest, you toss it in the oven and you've only spent a few minutes having to actively do something.

I've definitely had breadmaking fantasies.

this might be wrong of me, squee

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