May 05, 2009 00:55
Alright, so here's how today went.
Went to Archery class for the last shooting day of the semester, napped for 30 minutes, cooked chicken, and ate in 10 minutes to arrive at class a few minutes late. Media Production zoomed by, got one flash animation for our site done, and went to Ceramics, where I glazed everything I ever bisqued (that's a ton of stuff). Then came the last MC-TV meeting, and then I went back to get ready for the RA Banquet.
Now I know a few of you are especially wondering how the banquet went. Well here's the result. Head Resident of the Year went to Erin of Fulton (I nominated James, though). Program of the Year went to a study program from Cleland Staff. And for the second time in a row, I got RA of the Year and was a part of the Staff of the Year award.
Here're my thoughts: I didn't deserve it. But what that means is that the rest of campus didn't either, and I was the next best candidate. I'm sure there were RA's whom have done quite a bit for ResLife, but here's my moment of confidence and righteous arrogance-- I'm practically the only one that's really stood up for the good of the campus. I mean I've treated these students as adults, not as numbers, and I've helped them see that RA's aren't meant to be police--we're just trying to make sure you don't break shit and harm yourselves/others. It pisses me off to think of RAs whom are only in it for money, so the more good I do in my job, the better to counter that crappy corruption. Much of this is why I got so pissed at Mike Diamond for being such a shitty RA/future HR. He can't lead and he's got bad morals. I mean bad morals. He'll lead ResLife wrong. They're making a poor choice with that guy, and I just know it. It'll go to shit next year, just you wait and see.
With that said, Founders didn't deserve the staff of the year award. While it's nice, it also means that no one else really acted like a family like we did. That was our only driving point. What the hell? I mean how hard is it to bond with your staff? I know it's kind of hard for male dorm staff, but we pulled it off last year. Come on, people. I actually walked out of the banquet kind of disappointed. I'm happy I got another award and that I was recognized for the hard work I put into being an RA and a staff member of Founders, but I'm ashamed to say no one else could do better ON CAMPUS (Founders is the apartment know, away from campus).
Then later some friends went to Hardees before it closed and I ate a big hot ham n cheese. It was good. That's really it. I mean, Improv is performing tonight at 9:17pm, and Fuzzy Kittens is performing at 5pm tomorroww. Awesome, huh? Then it'll be finals weekend. Cool!