This Is About Overdue

Feb 05, 2010 23:58

So our second semester started this week. Here's my timetable:

Day 1                         Day 2
Social StudiesSocial StudiesPsycologyChoirLunchLunchSpareSpareScienceScience
Pretty boring so I can't really slack like last year. Then again I shouldn't ave slacked last term.XD

But I'm confident. Both my science teachers say the course is the easiest you can take and psychology is really interesting! I'm on my second module out of eight. This one's about the learning process and te first focused on dreams which was awesome! I love interpreting my dreams.

So after school today Jess and I got to hang out and she even got to come over for a bit. Best part was my mom wasn't home, heheheeee ~

Ehem, anyways. On another note, recently a certain member has been leaving rude, un-called for comments on my journals so I'm going to start freind locking them. Normally I'd make my own "Friends Only" banner bt there are a couple problems:

1.) I don't have photoshop on my laptop yet
2.) I don't know how to do that... Thing where the entry is the first on every page.

So I have some pics if anyone would mind making me a banner. :3

Final note: I GOT ASH'S HAT <333 It's his Advance Generation one, which is also my favorite outfit of his! X3

love, school, banners, layout, ash, cosplay

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