Thought for the Day & BALTICON

May 14, 2008 07:48

First I would be remiss by not welcoming all the new friends from the Baltimore area-so welcome to my crazy ramblings! It's great to have you all here and I hope to see many of you soon as you will see from reading on in this post about the upcoming Baltimore trip.

But first I need to discuss my dog…yes again. When I die, I want to come back as a dog (okay-hold the comments until I'm done) or at least a dog in my household. I want to be fed good dog food, have a doggie door that responds to my collar so I can come and go as I please. Get to wear really cool bandanas and dig holes in the backyard. I will also get to hang out with my other doggie friends at doggie day care. I will get to lie on the back of the sofa and stretch out and watch TV and stare at the cats that aren't any fun because they don't want to run around and romp with me. The toys they get me are also very cool. And best of all I will have owners who give me treats and love me.

Now if I could only get my dog to read this, maybe she will stop stealing my slippers!

Anyway, the next convention quickly approaches: Balticon 42 in Hunt Valley, MD. Memorial Day weekend I will be there doing panels and talks and I also have a table in the dealers room. This convention is usually one of my favorites because it is very book oriented and I have made a lot of friends there over the years. Although I have never really forgiven this convention from moving out from the inner harbor area, its still provides a lot to do.

So I hope that many of you will be there and that you get the chance to stop by and say hello. If you can't get to the convention, email me and maybe we will get together somewhere nearby. More information for the convention can be found at the Balticon website which I believe is at

And for those who were thinking about a title for the new project, here is a little something to consider:

"If there is to be a new world, the vampire and werewolf shall be part of it because the evolution of man has no allegiance to mankind, but only to God."

Take Care,

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