Sep 21, 2003 21:05
I feel so fucking alone these days... When I'm not working I'm usually too tired to do anything, and everyone's usually busy with thier own shit anyway. Work yesterday and today was a fucking nightmare, we got stuck one person short each day so it was me and a manager, and lines that never died, so I could barely catch my breath before having to move onto the next customer. the first night I don't know what exactly happened, but today my coworker, lilith, was out late boozing it up last night and got alcohol poisoning and that's why she had to go home sick today, cause it was still fucking with her, and while I'd like to sympathise I just had to deal with so much shit that I can't. I almost broke down and cried many times today from sheer stress of this shit ... it just never ends sometimes...
I'm back in a mind set like I was in school, where the time spent away from work feels like some distant dream when I get to work, like I just blinked my eyes and daydreamed that I slept without any actual rest.
I was getting ready to go yesterday and noticed a sore spot on my right ankle that turned out to be some wierd hard swollen lump that I decided I'd check into on my day off, wednesday, but it actually was bigger by the end of the day so I asked my manager if I could have tomorrow off instead to try and go have it checked out, I just hope it's not too short of notice to get an appointment, even if it's just a poke, a bottle of aspirin, and being referred to an orthopedist.
above all this... I'm just so tired of feeling so alone... feeling adrift in this sea of humanity without a port I guess.
anyway, I already feel guilty about posting that I'm feeling bad, because I know some people will feel guilty over not being there, or being able to cheer me up, but I just have to get this out, even if it's not to real ears