My Girlfriends Birthday is a National Holiday

May 31, 2005 09:41

Picture the scene:

A trip to Bainbridge Island to visit my girlfriends friends & family for her birthday. A tiny amount of stress as the parking lot dispenser won't read debit cards, but only credit cards, and trying the newly reopened foodservice on the Ferry trip. The sun is starting to come out, and just as I am getting in the rear of the car for a brief drive to the marina...


...of the drivers side door on the tips of the middle and ring fingers on my left hand. Much "Ow!"-ing ensued. A brief side trip to pick up some ice and some arnica gel, and the promise of ibuprofen once on the boat seemed to have the situation 'well in hand'. a dishtowel and a small metal bowl filled with ice and water for numbing my fingers hwile keeping them elevated was the first priority.

After sitting for a while and unbuttoning my shirt a little more since I was sweating, but with cold clammy skin. Those of you with first aid training know where this is going as I felt a lttle nauseous, and asked for another bowl. Right on time with one dry heave, and two not-so dry ones I vomited for the first time in quite a few years. It was everything I remembered it to be.

After that bit of what was probably shock from the pain the rest of the afternoon and evening went well. Pesto salmon, corn on the cob, and crab were for dinner, and lemon cake and cookies that were more chocolate slab than cookie for dessert.

Overall, the good outweighed the bad and thanks to ibuprofen, arnica gel, and the caring concern of my girlfriend my fingers feel much better now, thank you. However, theree is some bruising just inder the nails on both fingers, so any scritches to kitties will be right-handed only for a while.
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