effing psycho cats wake me up at 4am!!!

May 28, 2008 08:14

my first timanniversary was monday.
it is weird that we have been married a year.
my sister sent us a really funny card.
the front had a picture of two fish with googly eyes and it said
"its amazing that you two are still all googly eyed for each other"
and then the inside said
"or maybe it is because you need bifocals"
okay...so this just as a card is funny
but the funniest part about it is that last friday was bifocal day
and we celebrated (i celebrated by giving him a rose)
okay...so why were we celebrating bifocal day?
only because it was the day after boogy woogy day,
which was the day i gave him his timanniversary present secretly
(although i had been wanting to get him this present for a few months)
we had decided on no presents for each other on our anniversary
so i tricked him and we celebrated boogy woogy day.
uhhhh....i want a scone.
the end.
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