We've watched the news and seen online headlines about the Swine Flu. Here's something that's (refreshingly) different from what the mainstream media dishes out.
Not everyone is into conspiracy theories. I'm just one of these people who think anything is possible -- including some seriously disturbing things. And yeah, I was a big X-files fan, I'll admit to that.
The mention of A H1N1 (the Swine Flu is a strain of this...) piqued my curiosity the moment H1N1 got mentioned because I remembered reading the book called "The Great Influenza" about the 1918~1920 flu, also known as the Spanish Flu, that supposedly killed 50 ~ 100 million people worldwide, while some estimate the number to be as high as 140 million people.
So the government is pushing for vaccines, which is pointless considering it would take too long... (Thank goodness Tamiflu works for this.) Basically, outbreak -> people get scared as media fans the fire -> they ask for government action -> vaccine production or release of stockpiles -> pharmaceutical conglomerates stand to gain.
Read the article (pretty much a transcript of the video below)
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