Gifting Meme

Jan 31, 2009 11:55

As seen on liralen 's journal.  A gifting meme.  (I hope I know what I am getting into...)

The first five people to respond to this will get something of my choice made/written (written, considering it's me doing it) by me sometime during 2009. I make no promises on when this will get done and I reserve the right to be as utterly random as you all know I can be. What's the catch? If you're getting something from me, you have to repost this offer to your own flist. If you already have, you may give yourself one gold star.

Yay for gold stars!

Considering it's me who's doing the making/writing, it's most likely be a drawing, a card, a craft stuff...whatever.  Writing is not my addiction nor a strength, so it's most likely not going to be a piece of writing.  The only thing I can guarantee is that it will be something pretty since I do have the notorious "prettifying tendencies". XD   I figure, though, random acts of kindness and senseless acts of  beauty can't hurt anyone.  They'll put the good karma in motion if nothing else.

As she pointed out, all you have to do is "offer" the same deal in your journal to your flist, but if nobody takes up on it, you'll still get something from the person whose list you managed to get on. =D

UPDATE:  The friends on my "lj 5" list are...

1: liralen
2: mysocalledhell
3: xshelaghx
4: tl__dr
5: alukahnicapot

If you're interested and if you have a deviantART account, I have just posted the same thing in my journal over there, too.  Spread the love! XD

gifting meme

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