MugenLoop update 2

Dec 15, 2008 14:03

Heard back again from Kigetsu-san (Century-Lovers) of the MugenLoop project. Phew! I'm so glad she doesn't always send messages fit for the emperor. (lol!) All that respect-laden writing gets me exhausted and it's even almost painful to read, IMO. XDDD So, now, we're bit more relaxed and talking like normal people. *sigh of relief*

The other host of this anthology (Kawase-san) is busy pushing for the deadline of the winter con she's participating, so basically, they're asking to wait for more info from them in terms of legality regarding third party fiction works of copy righted characters. (Aru-san has no clue when it comes to that... although methinks I could be doing some research on the net in Japanese...)

The next step is for me to translate one of Laura neesan's shorter (and sweeter XD) works to see if they like it. Actually, I read Kigetsu-san's fan fics (She's uber into M X F -- a rarity in this fandom.) today and her stuff are very 'cannon' in terms of voice. She does a lot of M X F art (plus M with multiple ...ahem ... doodles). But judging from the most recent e-mail, she seems like a nice gal. (That's what I hate about the all proper respectful speech. It kills all the personality and you can't judge anything.)

*keeping the fingers crossed*

mugenloop, anthology project, samurai champloo

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