Oct 09, 2001 22:44
I love comedians. Normally, I'm as judgmental as they get, but when someone appreciates or dishes out humor, all standards and practices are cast to the winds which bring in their wake intrigue and delight that another has come along whose take on life is likewise short on stiff-necked seriosity and long on frolic breaks.
Billy's style hasn't changed since middle school. He talks the same, walks the same, still the same charm. But it is when he smiles (it was only then that I recognized him) that it feels for all the world like we're back in the fluorescent hallways and classrooms of Nova Middle School. He's like a relic of an era, my image of him frozen in time to that short, dorky, pre-contacts and perfect teeth boy who hit on all the girls with no delusions of getting any further with them. It was delightful to run into him again - if it were only that. We actually ended up talking for the better part of two hours, about what I can't possibly recall ... but I don't suppose that's of any importance anyway, as I was distracted thinking about how he looks nothing like I remember. What was lank is now muscle, what was below my shoulders is now a head taller, what was cute is now sexy. This could get interesting, and about time. I've been itching to play.
female gaze,