(no subject)

Mar 23, 2007 13:01

So I've been hearing lots of talk about blogs lately. I keep looking back at this empty space and thinking, "Boy, I sure could do a lot with this." So what the heck, I suppose I'll give it a whirl.

This is a short whirl, but I whirl nonetheless.

I was watching Sex and the City last night (I know, I know...forgive me), and I was thinking about how great it would be to be like Carrie Bradshaw. I mean, how great would it be to make a living from simply writing my thoughts out and having people read them? Providing entertainment value to the people, getting some money, doing something I like, and gaining a little spotlight from it.

I'd like to start blogging again. I'm worried, though, about the lack of an audience on LiveJournal. Perhaps I should investigate my alternatives.
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