This is my official notice that my journal is *mostly* friends only.

Nov 17, 2015 15:34

- The occassional photo, something short and funny, a link or a major milestone might be public
- Anything that would be considered a real 'journal entry' is LJ friends only
- Anything more private is on a level of 'closer friends' that I pick.. dont ask to be on it
(My LJ scrapbook is cut into these 3 categories as well)

I hate the idea of a friends only journal, and I'll be the first to admit when I see a 'friend only image' I will almost always leave the page rather than adding the person.
It's nothing against you Mr. random internet wanderer, but my career and social life are two different things that I dont want mixed, plus I don't really classify myself as a 'saint'.

Feel free to comment and give me a clue where you found me if you want me to notice & add.
I do actually read/skim my friends list, however, so.. if all you post is uncut memes, you might not be getting added back.
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