I've final had success in my website. Now I just have to fill it.
It's been crazy weather here... Snow expected in a day or so. Cold temps even if the snow misses us.
Last night we had a potential tragedy. We have two parakeets (Budgie and Petey) who take a round or two of flying in circles around the living room then back to their cage. They were enjoying that freedom yesterday while the cats were outside (of course!) and Petey somehow lost his speed/height when going to the curtain rod on the door near their cage. It scared him so he went to circle again and somehow ended up behind the piano! He seemed fine but we couldn't reach him. We had to wait hours for him to make his appearance from behind the piano, all the while we had Bella on a short leash to protect Petey from annihilation!
It all ended well but it sure was a source of stress for several hours for Bear, Bella and me.
There's my excitement for the week. The rest of the time I'm either working on building the website, watching fav shows/movies with Bear, or drawing my Zentangle tiles.
This is one that I experimented with transitions. I posted it on Facebook and people saw something interesting in it. Wondering what you'll see...
Take care,
Kat ^.^