The real reason why processed meats are so dangerous to your health

Nov 06, 2011 23:12

Sodium Nitrites have been strongly linked to Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia. When I learned that (only this year, not long ago, on Dr. Oz), I immediately stopped eating bacon or anything else that might have that listed as an ingredient. I told Bear - he chose to keep eating it. He adores bacon, much more than I have EVER desired it (which is rare anyway). Every time he has offered it, when cooking, I have declined and said "I want to save my brain." He just ate it anyway.

Until now. He listened to me read this article to him (above) and then the clincher:

PLEASE.... for your own brain's sake, stop eating processed meats of ANY kind. My husband now has raging Alzheimer's/Dementia (more on that later) that is much worse than mine ever has been. It has been excruciatingly hard on us both the last two weeks, since we just moved.

More soon, hopefully tonight...

alzheimers, bear, warning, link

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