Miss Bella had her eye surgery this morning, in our kitchen :) Our vet, Dr. Anne, came with her assistant and they numbed her eye and snipped off the third eyelid that was hanging from the inner corner of her eye. She didn't feel it at all. She seemed quite grateful to have it removed, dancing around after Dr. Anne put her back down! Now for the bill.... *shudders* Guess we'll find out soon enough!
Now, however, she is acting rather poorly -- not seriously so, but I think that the numbness has well worn off and her body is reacting to the little snip. She is squinting that eye partially closed, as well. Poor thing, she took a long nap in Bear's arms, where he held her like a baby in the crook of his right arm. So sweet!
Mr. Vester's claws were all clipped and so that particular mishap won't be repeating itself. I wonder how often we will need to clip them? He is much less rambunctious today, so I think he knows he has no razors with which to terrorize!
We had a few hours without snow today, but it is now snowing in earnest, and it isn't supposed to stop any time soon. Probably will go on until Sunday, really. No school tomorrow, cancelled again. Bear is out in the kitchen making sugar cookies and cornish pasties again (with his own pastry) because he had enough filling for two days' worth. I'm glad that he is up and doing something besides playing Bejeweled. That game has him hypnotized, and with his clinical depression it is easy for him to get stuck there. We *have* had some really good talks about the book So You Don't Want to Go to Church (hate the title) by Wayne Jacobsen. It is really a powerful, profound, wonderful book. It explains so much of what we have both felt and experienced when it comes to church.
We watched another VHS tape of an old Doctor Who, called Castrovalva. It is the first episodes with Peter Davison. What a long way the modern series has come! I prefer them, of course, but it does Bear good to see some of the oldies. I watched them about 9 years ago when he first came to America but I didn't really "get" it. I'm much more aware of what is going on now that I've seen several years of the last two Doctors (Christopher Ecclestone and David Tennant). Wonder what this new one, Matthew Smith, will be like.
Bella last night,before she had her little surgery. If you look VERY closely you can see the problem in her left (right, to you) eye. But the brightness of her pupil makes it look much smaller than it really was. You can see her ever-present dinosaur at her feet!
Sylvester, in all his tail-less glory, roaming the dining room two days ago. You can see the damage that Ellen did to our floors :( Looks dirty and hairy, but it is because she didn't clean up the "Orange Glo" for months, and didn't sweep before she did it. Layers and layers of wax buildup and hair. HORRIBLE. Teresa tries valiantly to get it up, but can't make it budge. I assure you it isn't dirty, but rather shellac'd.