Meditation for today (for chronic pain/illness sufferers)

Nov 16, 2009 15:06

Stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you" Philippians 1:27 (NIV).

Everything I know about football I've learned from my husband, an avid fan. (A friend said recently, "Beth, you know more about football than any woman should!") But I've come to enjoy it, especially when our team is playing. And I'm not the first to see the game as an analogy to life. The bruising conflict, the grit and grapple of the gridiron, find an easy parallel in living with chronic illness.

We train under our heavenly Coach, by meditating on His Word. And we engage in the contest under His leadership. He assigns our responsibilities, and we soon learn we are facing a powerful opponent in the field. The game of life is not easy. We may muff a play, or miss an opportunity to move forward. But the Coach is gracious and continues to work with us in our limitations.

Sometimes it may seem that victory is out of reach, but it is a blessing to know we're not in this alone-even though it may feel so at times. A boost that brings new gains often comes through the support of team mates. And the cheers of those who watch our efforts and shout encouragement can energize us to keep going.

There will be times when we're stopped and stunned in our progress, and sidelined by pain. But being out of the fray can have a positive dimension. A refreshing drink from the Scriptures, perhaps a pause to reflect on our options, words of hope from friends, can be therapeutic treasures. And our determination to break through and make new gains can be restored. So, as Hebrews puts it, "Let us...go on!" (Hebrews 6:1).

Prayer: Lord, thank You for being such a wise and understanding Coach. As I face the struggle with stubborn ailments, I need You every moment of the day. I choose to keep on going until I hear Your, "Well done!" and share in the celebration of final victory.


Beth Cottrill lives in a small town in rural Saskatchewan, Canada, with her retired pastor/teacher husband, Bob, an avid football fan. She finds living with Attention Deficit Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, depression, osteo-arthritis and a stroke of several years ago a challenge, but also training for a ministry to others. She loves animals, music, scrap booking, making cards and, last but not least, being a grandma.


This daily devotional is compliments of Rest Ministries, , serving people who live
with chronic illness or pain. Copyright 1998-2009


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