Our tuxedo kitty named Sylvester is in the box, and Bella smelled him before we even opened the box. She was so happy! He has a wound on his tail (bandaged, which has fallen off), and was neutered. Spencer is going crazy, Bella was wild when we put him outside and spent the first half hour leaping up,down, up, down (repeat 4700 times) at the front door. When Bear DID let Bella out on the leash, she immediately slipped off and Sylvester jumped out of the box and then lept from the porch to the ground below (about 10'!)... it was all happenin' here! Now Sylvester is back in the box, Spencer and Bella are back in the house, and Bear is on his way to the store to get kitten food (what we had was for kitties 1 yr or older) and probably some chocolate! What a birthday!
Here are some pics of the homecoming, before he was put on the porch (for now... as he is terribly stinky and has poopy all over his feet).
Looking in the box- her stumpy tail is wagging furiously!
Both dogs looking out on the porch, hoping to catch a glimpse of the groggy, contained Sylvester!
Watching over "her" kitty... just before going out and things got crazy!