Jan 22, 2009 15:26
I've never shared it here, but Bear reminded me of it today and so I am going to share our story.
We sponsor a young lady in Kenya, and have done for five years come this May. She was only seven years old when we started sponsoring her, and now she is going to be 12 years old on Feb. 5th. We write one another letters and she has recently learned English and written her first letter to me in English! All the other letters were translated, so it was a thrill to be able to read her letter in my language directly.
Her name is Kathambi, and one day we hope to meet her. We love this program so very much, and are proud to be a part of it. Both of her parents died before she was sponsored by us, and she lives with her grandparents. Life is hard there, but her schooling, clothing, food and medical supplies are paid for by our sponsorship. She is in a Christian school (family is Christian) and is getting a wonderful education that wouldn't have been possible without our sponsorship. She gets gifts at Christmas and on her birthday from monetary donations from us, and we help the school as well. One time we were not able to make our monthly payment due to a severe financial problem here, and Compassion paid it so that our child wouldn't do without.
I just wanted to share that with you. Kenya is part of our hearts, and Kathambi is our daughter-of-the-heart. She calls me her "dearest mother" and I call her my "dear daughter" and I love her. We pray for one another, as well. She always sends me a verse to share with her, usually from Psalms. It is wonderful to invest in a life!