I have a friend who lives in England, and was very touched by her entry today in her journal, about watching the Inauguration. Remember, she is in ENGLAND.
"We watched Barack Obama's Inauguration into the American President together as a family today live on the BBC...
It truly was a powerful historical moment watching the speech with my family and one which I hope will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
"I have great hopes for the future for all of our children now, I feel things have changed already...
"It was only five years ago that we caught our son in the bathroom trying to scrub off his skin colour because of the torment he was suffering at the hands of the local mob. If anything at all good comes out of today and Obama being made the the US President, I hope it is that XXXXX not only knows now, but more importantly FEELS he does not have to hide away or shy away from the things he wants to do in his life and can be what ever he wants to be no matter what."
I was so touched that someone in England can feel the change and has hope. It brought tears to my eyes about her son and how desperate he felt.