First post

Aug 27, 2005 22:32

Well, this is my first post on LiveJournal. My intention is to use this board to comment on my adventures in writing. I've spent way too much time setting up, so I won't be long winded this evening, but here's the bio info I uploaded:

This blogger sure works differently than eBlogger's. I've decided that I would use this blog to focus primarily on my writing aspirations, and the Blogspot blog ( to focus on my art stuff and adlib journal. So... an intro is in order.

My fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Simpson, told me at some point to "never stop writing." She apparently recognized in me some sort of potential. I took her advice literally and my love affair with words never ceased. I kept diaries throughout the rest of elementary school, all of highschool, and into college, spewing my boy woes and writing angst-ridden poetry. I read voraciously (and indiscriminately). My taste in music is much the same. Anything but country & western suits me fine.

My first love was art, though, and so that was what I'd decided to pursue in school. During my short stint in college, while studying fine art, I came to love my English classes almost as much as my art classes. All this was soon interrupted by love (or life) and I dropped out of school and never finished my schooling, in English Lit OR art.

Mostly, I've been writing all my life just to stay SANE. At some point during my adult life I decided to take a correspondence creative writing class (which I never completed) and did sign up for another creative writing class at a local community college in Gilroy, CA, where I learnt a bit about the craft, but wasn't particularly impressed with the teacher. Apparently, I wasn't skinny, pretty or sexy enough to be deemed star pupil. So... while I've been writing away, mostly it's just a continuum of my teenage spewage, only the topic isn't boys but L-I-F-E.

So... back to why I want to write a book, or something. I get these story ideas in these little flashes of inspiration. I jot them down, somewhere, and swear that some day I will write a story around it. I just don't quite know how, you know? A couple of weeks ago I had one of those flashes (I swear it's *not* a hot flash). Usually they get jotted down and after the initial excitement they fade away until I run into the slip of paper I've jotted them down on. Not this one, though. It's persistent. So I picked up the book Teach Yourself Creative Writing by Dianne Doubtfire. So, the slow and arduous process of honing my skills begins. Who knows where it will all end?

Wasn't this supposed to be a "short" bio?!
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