
Jan 16, 2014 23:03

It's been a long time since my last post. I'm not sure what happened, and why I stopped writing here. I suppose I got preoccupied with my artsy blog and have been posting mostly to that. Writing happens, still, and I think it would be interesting to observe (here) how my relationship with it progresses as I continue to work on my writing project.

I started yet another nanowrimo book this year, and half way through the month (by which point I was already behind in the daily word counts) I got laid-off from my day job. One would think that this sudden surplus of time would create just the temporal vacuum in which to forge ahead with a buttload of writing, but no. It had the opposite effect. I bogged and my creative inspiration, if you will, dried up like an overused well.

The story withdrew into my depths and spent some time curled up in foetal position for a while, occasionally sharing little flashes of story here and there but for the most part remaining obstinately aloof. Last Friday I signed up for Parallel Universe time with Jill Badonsky and wrote for an hour straight. It felt wildly wonderful, this foray back into what I alternately call my Cauliflower or my Telescope story.

So I am now at (*pauses to open file to check word count*) 9,039 words. And as suggested in Neil Gaiman's talk about writing (see HERE), I'm going to ease up on my first draft expectations and just let 'er rip, 'cause the story just needs to emerge, and ain't no one but me watching.

9039 / 50000

first drafts, writing, parallel universe, oh hello again

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