Title: Don't Let Me Down
Fandom: Gundam 00
Characters: Allelujah, Hallelujah
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Allelujah and Hallelujah have a strange relationship.
Notes: Slight mentions of porn? Nothing explicit really, though.
Allelujah's not sure when they started doing this - probably around the time that Hallelujah came into existence, and Allelujah was just starting to become aware of his own body, and its needs - but he doesn't care too much, as long as they didn't stop.
The feeling of Hallelujah's fingers down his back, his mouth on his nipple, how he could enjoy all these sensations as both the giver and the recipient... it made him moan in pleasure, and he could tell that Hallelujah liked it too.
Sometimes it would be rougher - he would be thrown to the ground, bitten, cut... it hurt, and it felt good, and he wasn't sure if that was because of Hallelujah's influence on him or if Allelujah himself actually liked it, felt he deserved it after some of the horrible things he had done, the people he had killed, what he had seen.
And then sometimes Hallelujah would turn gentle again, whispering words and using calming gestures, like arms wrapped around him, soothing him, letting him cry it out, holding him and telling him that he'd protect him and kill the bastards who caused him pain. Because that's what he was for, wasn't he? To protect Allelujah from the things he shouldn't have to do.
Allelujah asks why they're fighting, and Hallelujah doesn't really have an answer. He's quiet for a bit, and traces his fingers over Allelujah's cheek. He doesn't know, just knows that's what they're supposed to do, and then? If the fighting ends? He doesn't know if he'll even exist anymore, when he's not needed. He doesn't say any of this out loud, but Allelujah understands, hears the unspoken words as clearly as he could hear his own thoughts, and he closes his eyes, curling into the other's chest.
He drifts off to sleep, and Hallelujah just holds him, quiet, saved from having to come up with an answer this time, though the response is always the same. He brushes his fingers gently through Allelujah's hair, and presses a gentle kiss to his head. As long as no one but Allelujah saw him like this... it was all right.
He didn't need answers, as long as he had Allelujah.