#15 - FIC double drabble + ART (not) earth.

Dec 30, 2008 23:32

Title: untitled double drabble + (not) earth.
Author: darkmoore
Artist: le_mot_mo
Pairing and/or characters: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Evan Lorne.
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: This looks a lot like Death Valley’, Evan thought as he flew the modified puddle jumper to the place where Dr. McKay’s and Col. Sheppard’s ‘jumper had crashed.

Notes: As inspiration for this challenge we chose the astrononomy picture of the day from 13 July 2008. For the art many other astronomy pictures and resources were used. You will most certainly see that I 'borrowed' some elements from Dali's surrealistic masterpieces. :o) As for the title of the artwork-- well, let's just say that I was getting bored with all the Earth-like planets the team visits. What if a planet was radically different from Earth, surrealistic even? Both of darkmoore's wonderful drabbles were used as further inspiration for the artwork. :o)

ARTWORK by le_mot_mo (image heavy!)
Click For Full Size at Artist's LJ


‘This looks a lot like Death Valley’, Evan thought as he flew the modified puddle jumper to the place where Dr. McKay’s and Col. Sheppard’s ‘jumper had crashed. They were both unharmed, but were stuck in the middle of a desert, ‘jumper one having malfunctioned due to interferences on the planet. Zelenka had modified the ‘jumper Evan was flying so it wouldn’t experience the same problems, sending means to ‘upgrade’ jumper one as well.

Flying a curve around the downed ‘jumper, Evan thought that the landscape was beautiful and he’d have to paint it, once he was back on Atlantis.


“I can’t believe the MALP didn’t pick this up!” Rodney said for the umpteenth time, fiddling with some crystals.

John rolled his eyes, saying, “We’ve been over this, Rodney. Stop complaining, Evan’s on his way with the stuff we’ll need. No need to be grouchy.”

“No need to…” Rodney’s face turned red. “You crashed the ‘jumper. You almost killed us! No need to be grouchy he says,” Rodney fumed.

“It’s not that bad,” John replied before walking over and framing Rodney’s face with his hands. Rodney gave a little startled yelp as John kissed him, shutting him up most effectively.

fandom: stargate: atlantis, pairing: john/rodney, author: darkmoore, fic: drabbles, 015 - astronomy, artist: le_mot_mo, art: collages

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