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le_mot_mo November 7 2008, 15:58:50 UTC
*squeeee* When I read the first part of this story, I was immediately charmed with it. Now the story is finished and it's still so damn good and cookie-cute.

I was also really curious to see how the artwork would evolve after my part and I'm pleased to see that it grew into a wonderful collage. :o) Great work!

PS: darsynia, who is going to pimp the story/artwork in the comm(s) that allow both fic and art? I've got time to do it tonight or tomorrow, but if you prefer to do it, that's okay too. It's all good. :o) Just let me know, so we won't make two seperate posts. Thanks.


darsynia November 7 2008, 17:58:09 UTC
Well, to be honest, three of three stories I contributed to are posted, now (I had to bow out of #4), so I'm totally okay with you pimping the double comms! With my name showing up three times in a row for artword stories this week, I don't want to saturate, heh.


ca_pierson November 7 2008, 18:27:02 UTC
I don't think there's something like over saturation when it comes to good fanfics. But that's just my two cents *winks*.


le_mot_mo November 7 2008, 19:14:26 UTC
:o) Okay, I'll take care of it then.

Also, it was your part of the story that inspired me to create my first artwork for this challenge, so it's all kind of special to me. Thanks for the inspiration. :o)


darsynia November 7 2008, 19:20:10 UTC
Awww! *is honored* I just love the idea of John with Oreos and Rodney all indignant over it!

Aaand now I go take a nap so the raging hormonal beast in my belly baby doesn't decide that lunch wasn't to its liking... heh.


le_mot_mo November 7 2008, 19:24:59 UTC
Yeah, I couldn't agree more-- it's true cookie-love. ;o)

Pleasant napping. :o)


le_mot_mo November 8 2008, 11:01:07 UTC
I was just about to pimp out the fic and art and I saw that you already took care of the pimping after all. Okay, then I'll just pimp out the art in the art-comm(s). :o)


darsynia November 8 2008, 14:16:43 UTC
Lol, yeah, I forgot that the only places I tend to pimp stuff is on m_s and noticeboard, which does both! *facepalm* sorries!


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