Challenge 013: Story of My Life (McKay/Keller, busaikko, highonstargate)

Sep 02, 2008 09:54

Title: Story of My Life (for artword Challenge 013)
Author: busaikko
Cover Artist: highonstargate
Pairing: McKay/Keller
Rating: PG
Fic Summary: Bravery doesn't always come in action-hero packaging. (Or, my take on the end of S5 *cue evil laughter*)
Fic Spoilers: through The Shrine (some quotes taken verbatim from Quarantine and The Shrine)
Art Spoilers: None

DEX: I had you wrong. When you first came here, I thought you were weak -- that you didn't belong.
KELLER: It's the story of my life.

Story: it didn't work / that's not the point
Art: Story of My Life

fandom: stargate: atlantis, pairing: rodney/jennifer, artist: highonstargate, 013 - dual, author: busaikko, art: covers

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