Artword Challenge #11: "Messages" by strivaria & seticat

Jul 08, 2008 15:03

Title: "Messages"
Challenge: #11 Illustrative typography
Artist: strivaria
Author: seticat
Posted: 8 July, 2008
Pairing: gen
Type of Art: full-color graphic
Rating: G
Wordcount: 362
Warnings: None
Written For: Written for the writer's side of the "Artword" ficathon and inspired by this wonderful graphic created by strivaria. My thanks to her for her tremendous patience with me for lagging far behind and to her for the beauty she created and entrusted to me care. It all by wrote this piece in my head for me. I simply had to find the right words to bring it to life.

Summary: "The world wide simulcast by the heads of the planet Earth was to go down as a day in history to rival that of the passing of the Magna Carta or the announcement of the splitting of the atom."

Author's Note: The art work for this piece can be found at the end of the fic. It just seemed to work out better when done that way.

Challenge: #11 Illustrative typography
Artist: strivaria
Author: seticat
Posted: 8 July, 2008
Pairing: gen
Type of Art: full-color graphic
Rating: G
Wordcount: 362
Warnings: None
Written For: Written for the writer's side of the "Artword" ficathon and inspired by this wonderful graphic created by strivaria. My thanks to her for her tremendous patience with me for lagging far behind and to her for the beauty she created and entrusted to me care. It all by wrote this piece in my head for me. I simply had to find the right words to bring it to life.

Summary: "The world wide simulcast by the heads of the planet Earth was to go down as a day in history to rival that of the passing of the Magna Carta or the announcement of the splitting of the atom."

Author's Note: the art work for this piece can be found at the end of the fic. It just seemed to work out better when done that way.


The world wide simulcast by the heads of the planet Earth was to go down as a day in history to rival that of the passing of the Magna Carta or the announcement of the splitting of the atom. On that day the world learned that not only was there no longer any doubt that life existed on other planets, but that said life was intelligent. They learned that humans had been out among stars; walking and living beneath alien suns for the last 10 plus years.

And fighting.

As spokespersons for every government explained to a rapt world about the existence of the Stargate, representatives from the military and civilian authorities involved in the various projects were knocking on doors throughout the world, their purpose to explain to the families and friends of the men and women who, until now, have been far from home just where their loved ones have been for all this time and pass on messages from those who could not physically be present at this time.

And, in the case of some, to sit with them as they were told how some died defending their homes and loved ones from a menace no one had every imagined before.

Some of the messages were simple. Maybe only two or three lines sent to their loved one that said the equivalent of 'Here I am'. A few were sent to professional colleges saying 'Told you you were wrong' or 'Wish you were here'. Words of love and loss long and short were written in hands large and small, in every language of the planet Earth. But no matter what they were, they were, on the whole cherished for what they were - words from far away.

But of all of those involved in the various Stargate Programs, there was one group of messages stood out from all the rest. A shared common thread of quirky humor that had help keep them sane in an insane universe. It came as a simple piece of pasteboard, adorned with a home made graphic on one side and each individual messages scrawled in a variety of languages on the back.

"Greetings from Atlantis"

pairing: none (gen), fandom: stargate: atlantis, 011 - illustrative typography, author: seticat, art: collages, artist: strivaria

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