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darsynia July 2 2008, 03:12:22 UTC
Writer, seeking Artist! I'd love to do two this go-round, if possible. *bites lip*

To the wonderful artists I have worked with before, I'd love to work with you again, but I also didn't want to assume anything! Please forgive me if I've inadvertently hurt feelings.


clear_as_blood July 2 2008, 03:59:22 UTC
I'd totally love to do this with you again. If you want me. tq39geoakyhp

The art I want to use requires you to write an AU though if you're up for it.


darsynia July 2 2008, 04:02:37 UTC
I'd love to! I can finagle the AU into like, a VR or something... we'll make it work :)

*twirls you*


clear_as_blood July 2 2008, 10:51:05 UTC

*is twirled*


darsynia July 2 2008, 14:05:06 UTC
Hee! So, I am wondering if we're meant to do this blind (ie. not pick based on what we're sent) or if just knowing there's some AU (I'm guessing McShep? or a character piece on one or the other?) should be enough for me to pick the story that'll work best...



clear_as_blood July 2 2008, 21:19:10 UTC
Now that I think about it this challenge is actually harder than I thought. tq3epwgosjdle I may have to rethink things... (Yes, either McShep or something Rodney-based because I'm that predictable. XD)


darsynia July 3 2008, 04:31:21 UTC
I love Rodney! That is perfectly fine with me :) I've picked the story for mortari first, so you get to pick the art first, fair is fair :) And take your time if you need to, I still have BB to finish.


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darsynia July 2 2008, 14:02:54 UTC
OoOOooOO. Yes please! *is pleased by seductive dance*

Contact info for instant messengering (hmm. That word really looks wrong to me. *pokes it*) is in my profile, and my e-mail is tigress[at]treellama[dot]org :)



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darsynia July 2 2008, 16:39:15 UTC
Hmm. I think for clear_as_blood, we're doing the art first, so I can pick a fic for you? If that's okay :)

And now of course I'm looking over my stuff going 'OH GOD IT ALL SUCKS HOW SHALL I DO THIS' etc. etc. because I'm stupid and insecure. I'll get over it :)

If picking blindly seems more fun (like, on both sides? we'd have to agree on a character/pairing (which, I don't think would be that big of a problem) first, tho), we can always TRY it, and if it looks like it just isn't compatible, we can do-over!


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darsynia July 2 2008, 16:57:05 UTC
Hee, ahh, paranoia. So tasty, so angsty. Okay, so maybe I need to eat lunch and that was just me being weird. Ahem. E-mailing now!


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