011, the stars must contain us in their burning by oxoniensis

Jun 30, 2008 19:39

Title: the stars must contain us in their burning
Author: Signe (oxoniensis)
Challenge: 011, Illustrative Typography
Pairing: None (gen)
Characters: Rodney, John, Ronon, Teyla, Sam, Radek, Evan Lorne, various scientists and a sentient alien sea-creature (with a crush on Rodney)
Rating: G
Word count: 5,193
Notes: Written for artword, but unfortunately my partner was unable to participate, so story only. A huge thank you to out_there for the fantastic beta.

[ Rodney first discovers it one night, a bright light out on the water, a rise and fall of sound. ]

author: oxoniensis, pairing: none (gen), fandom: stargate: atlantis, 011 - illustrative typography

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