challenge 010: 'Think the Dancer Mad' // art & fic by clear_as_blood & darsynia

Jun 01, 2008 14:17

Title: Think the Dancer Mad
Artist: clear_as_blood
Author: darsynia
Challenge: 010: 'Reversed'
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG
Word Count: 9,424
Fic beta: by unamaga (who should not be blamed for any errors in the last 2,000 words, as I got impatient and ungrateful and didn't wait for her to look at them <3)
Notes: Spoilers for all seasons up to Outcast. I was blessed with two images from clear_as_blood for this challenge! Both are linked from the images. Thanks to unamaga for her amazing patience and suggestions, and also to Leah for keeping me sane last night.

'Those who hear not the music think the dancers mad.'

fandom: stargate: atlantis, pairing: john/rodney, 010 - reversed, author: darsynia, artist: clear_as_blood, art: collages

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