Response to first challenge 001A - Experiment

Jan 31, 2006 10:15

TITLE: Experiment
AUTHOR: le_mot_mo
FANDOM: Stargate Atlantis
PAIRING: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
WARNING: Character death
DISCLAIMER: Stargate Atlantis and its characters are not mine.

A/N 1: Thank you to kayim for beta'ing this fic so quickly.

I wrote this fic for newkidfan’s wonderful first trailer prompt (001A). Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen computer problems I missed the deadline. But newkidfan is the best and she has granted me permission to still post this story here. Thank you for that.

A/N 2: This is my first time of writing SGA or McKay/Sheppard for that matter. I’m trying to catch up with the episodes right now, but it might still take a while before I’ve seen all of them.

If someone says that Rodney McKay doesn’t believe in anything, they’re wrong, since Rodney’s belief in the scientific process is absolute.

fandom: stargate: atlantis, pairing: john/rodney, 001 - pilot, author: le_mot_mo

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