006A "Home" - Home Fires Burning

Jun 18, 2006 20:05

Challenge 006a: Home remix

Title: Home Fires Burning
Author: shusu [ 1 | 2 | text ]
Artist: semijocund [ * ]
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: NC-17 (Adult) for implied violence, graphic sex; emotionally intense in some parts and possibly triggery
Episodes referenced: Home, 38 Minutes, The Storm, The Eye, Letters From Pegasus, Before I Sleep, Hot Zone, Rising, The Brotherhood, The Siege, Hide and Seek.  One canon character does not exist.
Song referenced: Lyrics by Lena Ford and music by Ivor Novello; link at the end
Word count: 11460
Notes: semijocund was a trooper and did her art despite RL difficulties.  Many of the thematic images were based on her suggestions; she has my heartfelt thanks.  My unsuspecting betas goddessleila, lallybroch, spoke, zabbers and amireal were wonderful- couldn't have done it without them.  C&C, Q&A welcomed in comments and e-mail.
Stargate Atlantis does not belong to me.  Unauthorized duplication and distribution prohibited.

There's a silver lining / through a dark cloud shining / turn the dark cloud inside-out

edit: Just now my site goes nuts.  Alternate link for graphic.

fandom: stargate: atlantis, pairing: john/rodney, artist: semijocund, 006 - remix, author: shusu, art: covers

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