
May 05, 2008 19:45

Just finished a final. One more class tomorrow to go, and I already turned in everything for it, so I'm pretty much done with the semester.

So, that means....these recording classes this summer, and maybe just my thesis in the fall....and thats it.

Amanda Rose Smith will have a masters degree....and still not feel any closer to being an adult.

That amuses me.

I've got like 5 married friends now, and two that are pregnant (and one who already had a kid) and it just blows my mind. I can't even decide on whether or not I want to go out on a date with a guy, and people I know are committing themselves for the entirety of their lives to another person.

Today my composition professor told me that on May 5th, 2009 I wont even recognize my life. We also talked about babies, and she said that maybe my mind will change about all that once I get to a point at which I feel I've made headway in my career. I don't know. Maybe it will. Probably not, but maybe.

I want to take jiu jitsu. I've decided I need to join something physical that has some sort of practical application that will help me get out stress and be less fat. Besides, Brian, who does it, said I'd be good at it, as well as Patrick, who also does it....(I seem to like sleeping with boys who do martial arts...) but I'm kind of afraid, cause when I look at these places they're always filled with guys my age who are like rippling with muscles, and well, normally that'd be a good thing (ok, on some level it still is...yum...) but when I'm expected to try and beat them up, or be able to keep up with them doing laps and things...its a little scary.

now, i know some of you are going to tell me to look for female oriented classes to alleviate that fear, but thats even worse, cause despite the fact that I have a vagina, I've got too much testosterone to be able to stomach saying "NO!" to men dressed in giant foam suits and then sitting indian style in some freakin drum circle to talk about our periods and share our feelings.

I'd much rather wrestle hot men, after which we can scratch our butts and discuss video games.

speaking of which, yesterday mom came to visit me and helped me set up my surround sound, so now I have a 42 inch 1080 p HD TV AND THX certifed SURROUND SOUND, BIATCH!

the setup of the speakers isnt optimal, due to the constraints of living in a studio apartment, but its still pretty damn rad, even just for music. I put on some Tchaikovsky and it permeated my whole room....

so right. back to jiu jitsu. I need someplace cheap and relatively not-intimidating.

oh well.

ps: why am i only ever interested in men that are somehow physically unavailable, ie far away?

I don't get it.
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