Another one down, a step towards greatness.

Jul 02, 2010 23:50

I have finished another class, and most of a second summer course. There is this process that follows, the downfall from the marathon that is graduate courses. Pushing, pulling and molding you into the best you can be. My mind gets pushed to the edge and pulled back again. And then its all over. And you have to have some sort of reward waiting for you at the end of the road. BEACH VACATION! Or, even just a good mani * pedi. But another part of the process is this... It looks simple enough, putting notes away and preparing for round 2, but its so much more than that. It's like building bricks to make the tower that will get me where I want to be.

This is what it looks like,

My giant pink box holds all the notes and papers from ever class I take. This is almost an absolute must as there is not only a cummulative exam to graduate but 2 different portfolios requiring massive amounts of assignments completed through out the entire graduate program. Its intense. I have an external hard drive with the digital versions of all of this as well.

EDF 6237 COMPLETE! The grades were posted yesterday, I got an A, The class was basically Education Psychology. My teacher was fantastic, the class taught me so much in 6 weeks and never once made me want to kill myself. I even got through the whole thing without buying the $150 textbook because the teacher was nice enough to have it on reserve in the CMC library.

There is so much closure that comes with putting these folders away. To physically hold the work finished, it feels good, ya know?

On to the next class. EDF 6727, Education Law and Ethics. A friend from my previous class is in this one as well, Jenna. She's pretty cool. She's my age and really quick. We're in a group with two boys, which is impressive considering that there aren't many guys in education. The teacher has a very dry sense of humor, but I appreciate the way he presents the class and the information. Theres even a STRAIGHT BOY in our group, who I find cute -- mostly because he references books in conversation. YAY NERDS.

In the background you can see a bright blue bag, that holds the magnificent ESOL Notebook. There has never been more drama surrounding a notebook in all your life. It consists of 25 standards, the new in-coming class have to do 50 standards, if all goes according to plan I will walk out ESOL endorsed, which is kind of a big deal.

So, other than that those two classes, I am also taking EEX 5051, which is basically Intro to exceptional education. You would think I'd love this class, and honestly, the people in the class and topics discussed are fantastic. I've even made a new friend, Nancy. She's older, actually has a daughter in college. She's hillarious and without her I don't know that I would have made it through the class. The class was intense, I still hvae to take the final and I can't seem to make myself focus on studying for it. The entire class was exhausting, I finished early because I knew if I didn't I would just drop dead and give up completely. The work was way to much, way to tedious and the professor was practically non-existent the entire course.

There will be dinner @ Season 52 waiting when I complete that bastard-of-a-course. I hate it when people fuck up information you're already interested in without the class. It's like, you have such high hopes, ya know?

Well, that about sums it up. I have a few more things to post but I'll spread it out. Don't want to bombard my HUNDREDS of readers with suddenly updating. :)

grad school, ucf

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