In about an hour I am headed to my art show. I don't think that I've mentioned it here yet, but I submitted a couple of figure drawings to a nude exhibit at a local gallery and they both made the cut. The opening reception is tonight so Jason and I are going to hob-knob with some of the local creatives. Should be a fun time despite the fact that most of the art community here is composed of hobbyists in the 35+ age category. At the very least I hope to gain some inspiration for my long weekend of creative work ahead.
There are a few cash prizes, so at the best maybe I will win one of those or... god forbid... make a sale. I'm not getting my hopes up though.
Also, for your viewing enjoyment... here's a little doodle that I did during todays staff meeting and colored up in Photoshop. I had some fun playing with the textures and color gradients... hope that you enjoy it!
Happy Friday!!!