T.h.e. W.h.o.s
Who is in the house with you? little brother.
Who was the last person to IM you? christian.
Who are you thinking about now? some boy.
Who did you last talk to on the phone? rhi.
Who do you sit next to in your 2nd period class? leigh is on the right of me and brandy is on my left.
Who is your favorite teacher? hart.
Who's birthday is next? brent's
Who was the last person you told you love them? rhi.
Who's you favorite relative? my sister and a few cousins.
Who gets on your nerves the most from your school? quite a few. lol
Who do you hope will take this survey? i don't care.
T.h.e. W.h.e.r.e.s.
Where do you go to school? wths.
Where do you live? jersey.
Where is your phone? to my right.
Where are your parents? dad's working, mom's somewhere
Where do you sleep? my bed. :D
Where do you shop the most? doesn't matter.
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? my sister got it for me.
Where did you last take a car ride to? wawa.
Where in your house are you? florida room.
Where did you get this survey? ren.
t.h.e. W.h.a.t.s
What was the last thing you ate? carrots with french dressing.
What was the last thing you drank? water.
What color pants are you wearing? jeans.
What kind of cell phone do you have? verizon.
What is the closest item near you that is blue? one of those little paper clips.
What do you like about school? that it's almost over.
What are you wearing on your feet? nothing.
What instant messaging service do you use? AIM.
What is your favorite color? green.
What is your screen name? thislastxkiss
What is your most used away message? it changes.
What is your favorite website? google.
What is your favorite shoe brand? flip flops
What color do you wear the most of? brown or green.
What is the last movie watched? just my luck.
What song do you currently hear? 9mm and a 3piece suit. - Catch 22
Type your FIRST REACTION when you hear these 35 words (don't spend time thinking - just your gut reaction please):
1. I need: sleep.
2. Sex: i have a few weords for this one, none of which i'd like to write here. lol
3. Relationships: ongoing
4. Your Last Ex: hahahaha
5. Power: freedom.
6. Marijuana: missed.
7. Crack: cocaine!
8. Food: no-coffee.
9. This President: shutup
10. War: "make love, not war!" <-hell yeah, ren!!
11. Cars: love
12. Gas Prices: lower.
13. Halloween: soon!
14. Bon Jovi: yayy
15. Religion: nope.
16. MySpace: lol
17. Worst Fear: losing someone i love
18. Marriage: eventually.
19. Fashion: school.
20. Brunettes: ..k
21. Redheads: big sister!
22: Work: underpaid.
23: Pass the time: clocks.
24: Football: cowboys. what now?! lol
25: One night Stands: overrated.
26: Pet Peeve: people who chew with their mouths open.
27: Pixie Stix: chris.
28: Vanilla Ice: lauren! lmao.
29: Porta Potties: grossss.
30: High school: fuck that shit.
31: Pajamas: comfy.
32. Wood: burning.
33. Surfers: fun.
34. Pictures: i miss the days.
35. First Love: live and love
1. Are you wearing a necklace? of course.
2. Do you like someone right now? sure.
3. Who is the main person(s) you talk to at work? a few.
5. What color is your shirt? redish.
7. What song are you listening to? engine no.9 - deftones.
8. What was the last mall you went to i have no idea.
9. Are you alone? no.
10. Do you have any older siblings? yep!
11. What is the last thing you ate? you already asked this question.
12. Who was the last person to come over to your house? lauren, anthony, kyle, alex, shipton, and tim
13. Who was the last person to call you? rhi.
14. Who was the last person who texted you? jt.
16. What should you be doing? sleeping.
17. Who is the last person you sent a message? IM? christian.
18. Did you go out to eat yesterday? no.
19. What are you thinking right now? i think i want to cut my hair again, even though i cut it last night. lol
20. What color are your shorts? i have a lot of shorts.
21. What color is your keyboard? black.
22. What do you feel like eating/drinking? coffee.
23. Are you in college? i will eb bythis time next year.
24. What is the last text you wrote? "i never got it"
25. Are you bored? just tired.
26. How many teeth do you have? however many are in my mouth.
28. Do you wear glasses? yeah, i like 'em.
29. What color are your shoes? i don't wear shoes. lol
31. Last thing you drank? water.
33. Who do you love? friends, family.
35. What are you doing right now? getting coffee ready for the morning and getting ready for bed.
37. Do you know how to spell bananas? ..yes.
38. What're the last words you said? i don't know.
39. Do you have clothes on? yeah.
36. Do you like llamas? sure.
42. Do you have a cut on your pointer finger? no.
43. Where is your cell phone? to my right.
44. Do you have any friends named Skyler? a neighbor.
46. Do you have any friends named Axel? nope.
47. Are you afraid of the dark? no, but it's a kick ass show. :)
48. Did you used to watch "Are you afraid of the dark"? yeah, not many of them but alex got the seasons and i watched a few with him i remembered a lot of them.
49. Does your computer have a mouse? this one does.
50. What size shoe do you wear? 5.