Stupid Northern Line

Oct 13, 2005 15:54

I got lost today.

I was going to Camden to vintage/alternative/cheapy shop and the Northern Line was completely shut down, so I had to find my way by bus. I went the wrong way one time and ended up almost in the suburbs...but it was alright.

BTW - Camden is a pretty cool place. Once again - like Belmont times 10. Why isn't there more to Belmont in Chicago. Sad.

It rained this morning - so that put a damper on the shopping. But I did have a little success.

I went into Herrods and got so scared that I didn't buy anything and ran away. All the things I can't come close to affording. My lovely gift certificate from E will get me about 1/2 of a little tank-top-esq shirt. Sad. I wish I were my friend Jamie. His parents bought him Gucci shoes and prada pants - now why wasn't I born a rich gay boy in Connecticut? The world will never know.

Party tonight at our place...I'm thinking...
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