My special friend Lesley

Apr 15, 2005 16:13

Just read this folks
Just read
but start at the bottom
I would be cracking up if It didn't have very particular influence on me.

My response was completely based on what Angie and Deb told me is proper protocol for this type of situation. Don’t take it personally at all, it wasn’t meant to be anything against you. You owned up to the fact that you made a mistake, and now I feel like I have to clean it up when I clearly told you from the beginning that ALL purchases must go through me. Had you listened from the beginning we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Sorry that your feelings were hurt, like I said, it is nothing personal, just trying to fix the mistake.

I would like to remind you that you are Crowell Quad’s ADVISOR and that while you may ADVISE us on a proper course of action. It is not your decision whether or not we send back the shower radios. Quad council makes decisions and the fact that you would have me pay 700 dollars instead of merely returning the damn radios shows an amazing lack of regard for me. It’s petty and vindictive gesture and I’m hurt by it.


From: Lesley Hill []
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 2:28 PM
Subject: Crowell overdraft

Okay, after discussing this issue with both Dean Deb LoBiondo and Angie Thornburg in OSAF, we have to pay AdSpice regardless because that is considered a contract with a vendor-so we are definitely in overdraft status. There are a few options for rectifying this issue that the quad council needs to VOTE on.

Sarah will pay the amount that we are in overdraft, as it was her mistake that led to ordering the shirts that the council did not vote on, nor give permission for her to spend that money.
We can beg Campus Council to cover the deficit, although they are very low on funds themselves due to LDOC-and we probably won’t get any money from them-then we would need another plan...
We can do some sort of fundraising event in the quad, without the use of any money to start with, since we don’t have any (i.e. If we wanted to sell hotdogs, we can’t go out and buy any hotdogs) <-- I don’t really see this option as being possible, but I thought I’d throw it in for good measure.
We could charge $6 or $7 for the quad shirts to try and make up for the lost amount or charge for the wiffle-ball shirts to make up the amount

Any other suggestions would be helpful, but sending back the radios is not an option. I was told that since the radios were a decision made by the quad council and the residents have already been informed of them coming; the decision to get the radios was made and completed prior to the shirts being ordered; plus the number of students in the quad that would benefit or get use out of the radios (even just looking at the number of returning students) would be more than the wiffle-ball shirts is enough to make sending the radios back NOT an option.

So here is what you need to do...send me back an email with your vote, either #1, #2 (if you vote for number 2 you would need to be willing to hunt down and talk to the new finance person and come up with another idea if they say no) or #3 (which would also include an idea of what we can do) or #4.


------ Forwarded Message
From: "Sarah Newman"
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 10:27:45 -0400
To: "'Lesley Hill'"
Subject: FW: Crowell

It turns out we may have a problem. Grr, sorry.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jamie []
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 9:22 AM
To: 'Sarah Newman'
Subject: RE: Crowell

Sarah! We started on the wiffle ball shirts this am!!!!

There are 75 of them.

Jamie Clark
Ad Spice Marketing and Promotional Products
717 Broad Street
Durham, NC 27705

-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah Newman []
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:15 PM
To: 'Jamie'
Subject: RE: Crowell

Hi Jamie,
We have had an accounting error in Crowell and I'd like to know how many
wiffle ball t-shirts are done. Please e-mail me and please don't print any
more t-shirts.

Is the pink suede elephant holding the sign saying ABSURDITY visible to anyone else?
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